Lunch menu

Week 38

Meat of the week:

Krämig fläskgryta med svamp, honung och senap serveras med kokt potatis.

Creamy pork stew with mushrooms,honey and mustard served with boiled potatoes.


Fish of the week:

Panerad vitling filé med rostad broccoli, kokt potatis, sallad och rhode Island-dressing.

Breaded whiting fillet with roasted broccoli, boiled potatoes, salad and rhode island dressing.


Vegetarian of the week:

Vegansk svamp och löksoppa serveras med vitlöksbröd.

Vegan mushroom and onion soup served with garlic bread.


(Coffee or Tea are included) 

Lunch is between 12.00 – 15.30 Monday to Friday