Lunch v. 11
Veckans kött
Chipotle- & bbq kryddade kamben med coleslaw, pommes och aioli.
Chipotle- & bbq spiced baby back ribs with coleslaw, chips and aioli.
Veckans fisk
Panerad fisk med krossad potatis, citron- & paprikasås, ugnsbakade morötter och sallad.
Breaded fish with crushed potatoes, lemon and bellpepper sauce , oven baked carrots and sallad.
Veckans Veganska
Spaghetti med pesto, confiterade tomater och parmesan.
Spaghetti with pesto, confit tomatoes and parmesan.
If you have any allergies please ask the staff for more info about the dishes.
(Coffee or Tea are included)
Lunch is between 12.00 – 15.30 Monday to Friday